sketch class

Improv to Sketch

BETA was started in 2013 with the desire to create and cultivate a community that produced and performed original comedic content. A small group of performers from every improv and comedy community gathered around this idea, and together, we made some funny stuff. Here’s a sketch from those early BETA days. NSFW.

At BETA, Improv is our most important tool. It’s the best, quickest, and most fun way to acquire the skill set to write, perform, and create entire universes together. It’s the foundation for everything else we want to do, and if you’re considering taking a class to become a better performer, writer, or producer, you should do it. It’s a great experience, and you’ll learn a lot. BETA has level one’s starting all the time. BETA LEVEL 1.

We’ve focused on improv over the years, but we never stopped aiming for the goal of creating content. We produced content for independent teams like Feelings (Amy Birkhead and Antoine Culbreath). NSFW

And we’ve encourage our house team, MAX to get scripted content together for production.

And most recently, we produced a very short sketch that we sent around to some film festivals. Here is “Sleep”.

At the writing of this blog, it’s early 2019, and BETA Theater is poised to make a deeper investment into the process of creating content from our improv. This class is open to anyone in Houston who has 1 level of improv under their belt (or an equivalent) . We are still committed to the goal that got this organization started in the first place.

This is one definitive area that sets BETA apart from every improv organization in Houston. We want to be making content, and with our unique partnership with the creative production company Dinolion, we have the ability to fully produce it.

Hopefully we’re able to fill this class consistently, but we are pretty excited about the first one coming up March 2nd. HERE is the REGISTRATION LINK.

We’re excited about reporting back in a year to see how much closer we are to actualizing our mission, and we invite you all to be part of that with us.